Terms & Conditions

When you place an order on our website or by e-mail both customer and supplier enter a contract. The following statement sets out how we intend to proceed with your order. Both customer (you) and supplier (us) have certain obligations and legal rights under the contract. The contract is detailed below and sets out these rights and defines what you can expect under the terms of the contract. If there are any aspects of the contract which are not clear or you require any help or advice, either regarding a potential order, current order or previous order. Or on any other aspect of our products or service please contact us.

Rejuvi shop – The Supplier
You – The customer, the person(s) placing the order, the intended user of the product, the purchaser.
Days – Working days meaning Monday to Friday excluding public and bank holidays in the EU
3rd Party – Any other company or individual employed or contracted by the supplier to provide services in relation to this agreement.

1. Format of the Contract
1.1 These terms of sale apply to all goods supplied by Rejuvi (here after the supplier).
1.2 No contract exists between you and the Supplier for the sale of any goods until the Supplier has received and accepted your order.
1.3 An acceptance of your offer to buy the goods will be sent shortly after your order. However, we reserve the right to terminate the contract in the event that the goods are unavailable, mis-priced cleared funds are not received or we suspect fraudulent account activity.
1.4 The contract is subject to your right of cancellation (see below).
1.5 The Supplier may change these terms of sale without notice to you in relation to future sales.
1.6 Certain items deemed for professional or trade use only may require additional proof to be provided before orders will be processed.

2. Description and price of the goods
2.1 The description and price of the goods you order will be as shown on the Supplier´s website at the time you place your order.
2.2 All goods are subject to availability. If on receipt of your order the goods you have ordered are no longer available we will not accept your order. If after acceptance the Supplier discovers that the goods are unavailable we may contact you to offer an equivalent alternative or terminate the contract and refund for any sum that has been paid by you.
2.3 Every effort is made to ensure that prices shown on the Supplier´s website are accurate at the time you place your order. If an error is found within 14 days of accepting your order, the Supplier will inform you as soon as possible and at our discretion we may either fulfil the order at the stated price, offer you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price, or cancelling your order. If the Supplier does not receive an order confirmation within 14 days of informing you of any error, the order will be cancelled. If  the order is cancelled , the Supplier will refund or re-credit you for any sum that has been paid by you to the account from which payment was received, refund payments will not be made into alternate accounts, in the event an account is not available to refund to then we will issue a discount code of equivalent value.
2.4 In addition to the price, you may be required to pay a delivery charge for the goods.
2.5 The supplier has a policy of continuous development therefore products may occasionally differ in appearance, quantity or formulation from that listed upon the website, in such circumstances where there is a significant difference (such as amount, formulation or that may alter the product performance) then the supplier will contact you to discuss such changes and amend adjust or cancel your order as appropriate.

3. Payment
3.1 Payment for the goods and delivery charges can be made by any method shown on the Supplier´s website at the time you place your order. Alternative payments via Email, postal orders or BACS/iban are also acceptable methods of payment. If you wish to discuss payment options then please contact us. Payment must be complete before dispatch of any order and shall be a fundamental term of this agreement, breach of which shall entitle the Supplier to terminate the contract immediately.
3.2 There will be no dispatch until cleared funds are received.
3.3 Payments shall be made by you without any deduction whatsoever unless you have a valid discount offer or court order requiring an amount equal to such deduction.
3.4 The supplier will not add any additional fees to your purchase if you pay via any of the supported payment methods.
3.5 On completion of the transaction you will receive an e-mail from our service which will contain your invoice within a few minutes of placing the your order. The supplier shall not be liable for non receipt of such e-mail, due to incorrect details or technical breakdowns or malfunction of systems outside our direct control.
3.6 The supplier reserves the right to refuse or refund or carry out additional security checks on orders or payments that are unusual or potentially believed to be fraudulent.
3.7 The supplier reserves the right to refuse or refund any payment from any customer who has previously been involved in charge back or fraudulent activity either through the rejuvi.co.uk website or any other website, online marketplace or directly with Rejuvi Shop or associated business.

4. Delivery
4.1 The goods you order will be delivered to the address you give when you place your order, all goods must be delivered to an address in countries listed on the checkout gateway, (Primarily Italy) deliveries outside of normal regions will be undertaken by special arrangement only and only with authorization of the relevant manufacturer.
4.2 We aim to dispatch orders within 1 working day, (Mon. Fri. excluding public holidays) of receipt of cleared payment, (subject to stock). Goods are dispatched via the most appropriate and cost effective method. Please allow 3-5 working days for delivery. If an item has not been received after 25 days, then please contact us. The supplier reserves the right to change or upgrade postal carrier or services without notice to the most appropriate service available depending on delivery destination, consignment weights, or other factors. Any additional charges for such upgraded dispatch services will be borne by the supplier unless such costs are substantial, upon which we may contact you to discuss shipping options.
4.3 If delivery cannot be made to your address for reasons under the Supplier´s control the Supplier will inform you as soon as possible.
4.4 If you deliberately fail to take delivery of the goods (otherwise than by reason of circumstances under control of the Supplier) then without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Supplier , the Supplier may:
4.4.1 store the goods until actual delivery and charge you for reasonable costs (including insurance) of storage; or
4.4.2 sell the goods at the best readily obtainable price and (after deducting all reasonable storage and selling expenses) account to you for any excess over the price you agreed to pay for the goods or charge you for any shortfall below the price you agreed to pay for the goods.

5 Risk/Title
5.1 The goods are at your risk from the time of delivery.
5.2 Ownership of the goods shall not pass to you until the Supplier has received in full (in cash or cleared funds) all sums due to it in respect of:
5.2.1 the goods, and
5.2.2 all other sums which are or which become due to the Supplier from you on any account.
5.3 The Supplier shall be entitled to recover payment for the goods even though ownership of any of the goods has not passed from the Supplier.

6. Title for Business Customers
6.1 If you are a business customer until ownership of the goods has passed to you, you must:
6.1.1 store the goods (at no cost to the Supplier) separately from all your other goods and goods of any third party in such a way that they remain readily identifiable as the Supplier´s property;
6.1.2 not destroy, deface or obscure any identifying mark or packaging on or relating to the goods; maintain the goods in satisfactory condition and keep them insured on the Supplier´s behalf for their full price against all risks to the reasonable satisfaction of the Supplier. On request you shall produce the policy of insurance to the Supplier; and
6.1.3 hold the proceeds of the insurance referred to in condition 6.1.2 on trust for the Supplier and not mix them with any other money, nor pay the proceeds into an overdrawn bank account.
6.2 If you are a business customer your right to possession of the goods shall terminate immediately if:
6.2.1 you have a bankruptcy order made against you or make an arrangement or composition with your creditors, or otherwise take the benefit of any statutory provision for the time being in force for the relief of insolvent debtors, or (being a body corporate) convene a meeting of creditors (whether formal or informal), or enter into liquidation (whether voluntary or compulsory) except a solvent voluntary liquidation for the purpose only of reconstruction or amalgamation, or have a receiver and/or manager, administrator or administrative receiver appointed of its undertaking or any part thereof, or a resolution is passed or a petition presented to any court for your winding up or for the granting of an administration order in respect of you, or any proceedings are commenced relating to your insolvency or possible insolvency; or
6.2.2 you suffer or allow any execution, whether legal or equitable, to be levied on your property or obtained against you or you are unable to pay your debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or you cease to trade; or
6.2.3 you encumber or in any way charge any of the goods.

7. Your right of cancellation
7.1 You have the right to cancel the contract at any time up to 10 days after you receive the goods (see below). Please note that this policy has some limitations and does not apply to business customers.
7.2 To exercise your right of cancellation, you must give written notice to the Supplier giving details of the goods ordered and (where appropriate) their delivery. Notification by phone is not sufficient.
7.3 Except in the case of faulty or mis-described goods, if you exercise your right of cancellation after the goods have been delivered to you, you will be responsible for returning the goods to the Supplier at your own cost. The goods must be returned to the address shown above. You must take reasonable care to ensure the goods are not damaged in the meantime or in transit. In the case of faulty or mis-described goods we shall, after receiving notification in accordance with clause 8.3 or 8.4, either collect the goods from you or ask you to return the goods yourself and possibly refund you the reasonable postage costs.
7.4 Once you have notified the Supplier that you are cancelling the contract, the Supplier will refund or re-credit you within 5 working days for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your credit card for the goods, (subject to your cleared payment). Please note that varying payment methods and therefore the appropriate refund may be subject to additional delays by the payment processing companies or banks involved which may vary from 24hrs to several days.
7.5 Except in the case of faulty or mis-described goods, if you do not return the goods as required, the Supplier may charge you a sum not exceeding the direct costs of recovering the goods.
7.6 You do not have the right to cancel the contract for consumable goods which, by their nature, cannot be returned, save where a fault is discovered which could not have been discovered otherwise than by unsealing the goods.

8. Warranty
8.1 All goods supplied by the Supplier are warranted free from defects for 12 months or until expiry of the item, whichever falls sooner, from the date of supply (unless otherwise stated). This warranty does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
8.2 This warranty does not apply to any defect in the goods arising from fair wear and tear, willful damage, accident, negligence by you or any third party, use otherwise than as recommended by the Supplier, failure to follow the Supplier´s instructions, or any alteration carried out without the Supplier´s approval.
8.3 If the goods supplied to you are damaged on delivery, you should notify the Supplier in writing within 7 working days. (Please note that this is 48hrs for our business customers)
8.4 If the goods supplied to you develop a defect while under warranty or you have any other complaint about the goods, you should notify the Supplier in writing, as soon as possible, but in any event within 14 days of the date you discovered or ought to have discovered the damage, defect or complaint.

9. Limitation of Liability
9.1 Subject to 9.2 below, if you are a consumer the Supplier shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage in circumstances where:
9.1.1 there is no breach of a legal duty owed to you by the Supplier or by its employees or agents;
9.1.2 such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach;
9.1.3 any increase in loss or damage resulting from breach by you of any term of this contract.
9.2 The maximum liability of the Supplier shall never be more than the value of the original order.
9.2.1 Certain items or treatments are subject to specific usage requirements, which are detailed on the item information. Further certain items may have inherent risks associated with use including the risk of permanent skin change, damage or scarring the Supplier accepts no liability in any form for dissatisfaction with results, permanent skin change or damage or scarring or any legal action arising out of such.
9.3 If you are a business customer the Supplier shall not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss of business, depletion of goodwill or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in connection with this agreement.

10. Data Protection & Privacy
10.1 We take all reasonable precautions to keep your details secure and we do not request sensitive personal data beyond names and addresses for billing and postage requirements. Unless proven negligent we will not be held liable for unauthorized access to information supplied by you. In the event of unauthorized or attempted access we will contact you to inform you of any such breach and may amend access and security requirements needed to access its websites.
10.2 The supplier will not be held liable for negligence of end users who may reveal personal information through their own or chosen system if such system security is compromised by malicious software or viruses. Nor will the supplier be held liable for negligence of payment processing gateways or services provided by 3rd parties.
10.2a We will not be held liable for data breaches related to breaches of 3rd parties websites including usernames / passwords being made publicly available that the user is using on multiple websites/systems. We will not be held liable should the user fail to take appropriate security measures or changes following notification that a breach of our or any 3rd party system has occurred which may compromise our system. We reserve the right to change, block or bar a user if we suspect details are compromised or there is unusual ordering activity or suspicion of fraud.
10.3 Privacy Policy we do not process or store credit card or payment details this function is provided by trusted 3rd parties with their own security policies and measures.

For further information please see our Privacy Policy

11. Images
All images are copyright Rejuvi and are for illustrative purposes only, products and packaging are under constant development the actual item supplied may vary in appearance from images displayed on the website. (also see section on description on price and goods).

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