Powerful Anti aging products

anti aging powerful products with active ingredients


Anti Aging Products

We can’t turn back time, but with proper
care we can help our skin fight the effects
of aging and help keep lines and wrinkles
to a minimum.
What causes wrinkles?
As we age our skin loses both elastin and
collagen becoming thinner. Elastin fibers
in the dermis, (the lower layer of the skin)
give the skin resilience and suppleness ,
while collagen is a building brick also in
the dermis that helps prevent wrinkles.
Aging Effects of the Sun.
Even small levels of exposure to ultraviolet light, (UVA
& UVB), from sunlight and sunbeds is very damaging
to the skin, accounting for 90% of the symptoms of
premature aging.
Free Radicals
Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that grab
electrons from other molecules. This process can
damage cell function, alter genetic material and break
down collagen.

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